Super Quiz: Original Book Titles

  1. "Le Petit Prince," by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  2. "La Divina Commedia," by Dante Alighieri

  3. "Le Comte de Monte-Cristo," by Alexandre Dumas

  4. "Pippi Langstrump," by Astrid Lindgren

  5. "Le Rouge et le Noir," by Stendhal

  6. "Il Nome Della Rosa," by Umberto Eco

  7. "Mein Kampf," by Adolf Hitler

  8. "Cien Anos de Soledad," by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

  9. "Voyna i Mir" (romanized), by Leo Tolstoy


  1. "The Little Prince"

  2. "The Divine Comedy"

  3. "The Count of Monte Cristo"

  4. "Pippi Longstocking"

  5. "The Red and the Black"

  6. "The Name of the Rose"

  7. "My Struggle"

  8. "One Hundred Years of Solitude"

  9. "War and Peace"

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